Hungary’s road safety is improving

A road safety success is the benefit of strategic action in Hungary by the authorities. Official data shows that Hungary has reduced its number of road deaths by 49% since 2001. This has been achieved through tougher enforcement and a crackdown on speeding through the use of speed cameras. With road 64 deaths/million inhabitants, Hungary has made major achievements in tackling road safety, and further gains are expected.
June 19, 2012
A road safety success is the benefit of strategic action in Hungary by the authorities. Official data shows that Hungary has reduced its number of road deaths by 49% since 2001. This has been achieved through tougher enforcement and a crackdown on speeding through the use of speed cameras. With road 64 deaths/million inhabitants, Hungary has made major achievements in tackling road safety, and further gains are expected.

The 6th Road Safety PIN Conference held in Brussels on the 20th June focussed on Hungary and its road safety strategy. During the conference, the 1197 European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) presented data on progress with the EU 2020 road safety target, revealing a drop in road deaths across Europe of just 3% in 2011. Several countries continued to achieve casualty reduction but some saw a worrying increase in fatalities and serious injuries. The ETSC also presented the results of its study into the national plans for improving road safety.

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