European Parliament backs rules revision to promote safer lorries

The European Parliament has voted to support revised rules on the dimensions of heavy goods vehicles aimed at enabling manufacturers to produce safer lorries. The legislation will, it is claimed, create cabs with improved visibility, reducing the risk of accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists in urban areas. Antonio Avenoso, executive director of the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), said, “This legislation is a step forward because it will enable innovative new designs that include crumple
April 23, 2014
The European Parliament has voted to support revised rules on the dimensions of heavy goods vehicles aimed at enabling manufacturers to produce safer lorries.

The legislation will, it is claimed, create cabs with improved visibility, reducing the risk of accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists in urban areas.

Antonio Avenoso, executive director of the 1197 European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), said, “This legislation is a step forward because it will enable innovative new designs that include crumple zones along with better visibility and protection of car occupants, pedestrians and cyclists.

"But the Parliament should remain vigilant and ensure that these safety requirements don't get watered down in negotiations with Member States or by the working groups that work out the technical details of the new rules.”

According to ETSC data, around 4300 people died in collisions involving lorries in 2011. Because of their size and weight, crashes can be catastrophic with a much higher risk of death or serious injury.

A study carried out for the 2465 European Commission estimates that as many as 500 lives could be saved every year if the cabs were made safer.

The Parliament also agreed today that there should be no change to the current rules that prevent longer and heavier lorries from crossing borders in Europe - a decision also supported by ETSC.

The proposed rules now need to be agreed with EU member states.
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