European construction equipment industry in an optimistic mood

European construction equipment manufacturers expect another modest increase in sales of 6% compared to 2011. “The industry’s total turnover would then amount to €25 billion,” said Johann Sailer, president of the Committee for European Construction Equipment (CECE) at INTERMAT. According to Sailer this is still a little down on the figures of top years of 2007-2008, when the European industry reached a record turnover of €31 billion. But the overall mood of European manufacturers is optimistic.
April 18, 2012
European construction equipment manufacturers expect another modest increase in sales of 6% compared to 2011.

“The industry’s total turnover would then amount to €25 billion,” said Johann Sailer, president of the 2440 Committee for European Construction Equipment (CECE) at INTERMAT.

According to Sailer this is still a little down on the figures of top years of 2007-2008, when the European industry reached a record turnover of €31 billion. But the overall mood of European manufacturers is optimistic.

A recent CECE survey showed that two-thirds of the participating companies said they expected their company sales to grow further in the next six months, whereas only 10% expected a decrease.

Incoming orders in the past months stayed steady around 5% above the same months of 2011.

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