EU funding boosts Slovakia’s transport links

Slovakia is benefiting from strong European investment in its transport infrastructure. For the 12 month period up until 30th September 2012, the country benefited from the use of EU funds worth €920.5 million. This amount was used for projects within the Operational Programme Transport (OPD) and came from the overall allocated sum of €3.12 billion. Co-financing from the state budget stood at €211.5 million and represented 33.75% of the overall sum of €626.6 million. The finances used from the EU Cohesion F
October 31, 2012
Slovakia is benefiting from strong European investment in its transport infrastructure. For the 12 month period up until 30th September 2012, the country benefited from the use of EU funds worth €920.5 million. This amount was used for projects within the Operational Programme Transport (OPD) and came from the overall allocated sum of €3.12 billion. Co-financing from the state budget stood at €211.5 million and represented 33.75% of the overall sum of €626.6 million. The finances used from the EU Cohesion Fund (CH) within the OPD represented €647.4 million, which was 27.79% of the overall approved finances of €2.3 billion. Slovakia’s Transport Ministry contributed €114.25 million for projects covered from the CH, representing 28.06% of the overall sum of €407 million, while finances used from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) amounted to €273 million and accounted for 32.88% of the overall €830.7 million.