Czech Transport Ministry to consider car-sharing scheme

The Czech Transport Ministry is considering the adoption of car-sharing scheme as one of the solutions to reduce traffic congestion and lack of parking spaces in towns and cities across the country. Research shows that one shared car could save between five to twenty parking spaces. According to the ministry's proposal for transport policy until 2020, a car-sharing system could be most beneficial when complemented by a combined public transport ticket. The Ministry is said to have been inspired by the car-s
April 12, 2013
The Czech Transport Ministry is considering the adoption of car-sharing scheme as one of the solutions to reduce traffic congestion and lack of parking spaces in towns and cities across the country. Research shows that one shared car could save between five to twenty parking spaces.

According to the ministry's proposal for transport policy until 2020, a car-sharing system could be most beneficial when complemented by a combined public transport ticket.

The Ministry is said to have been inspired by the car-sharing scheme operating in Germany, which showed that people are motivated to take part if municipalities support the system by offering car sharers discounted transport tickets or separate parking spaces.