Concern is being shown over the state of Czech bridges

An inspection carried out by German specialists has highlighted technical issues with five bridges in the Czech city of Ostrava. The Czech Road and Motorway Headquarters (RSD) has said that a more comprehensive study will be required before the type of repairs needed can be identified and a programme of works established. There have been questions over the scope and accuracy of the one day inspection however.
August 2, 2012
An inspection carried out by German specialists has highlighted technical issues with five bridges in the Czech city of Ostrava. The Czech Road and Motorway Headquarters (RSD) has said that a more comprehensive study will be required before the type of repairs needed can be identified and a programme of works established. There have been questions over the scope and accuracy of the one day inspection however.

Meanwhile in Czech capital Prague, discussions continue over the Blanka Tunnel, which is due for completion in May 2014. The city authorities have now managed to reduce the final cost of building the tunnel to €1.42 billion. The project was originally expected to cost €1.025 billion but the price spiralled to €1.5 billion, causing some controversy.