CEA chief says UK budget heralds “Good week for Construction Industry”

CEA (Construction Equipment Association) chief executive Rob Oliver has described this week as a “good week for the [UK] Construction Industry” - after hearing Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne’s budget speech. “Last year the CEA lobbied for special funding for road repairs – the £200 million (€238.66 million) ‘pothole’ fund is, therefore, helpful,” said Oliver. He continued, “Of potentially more significance is the doubling of the annual investment allowance to £500,000 (€596,673) until the end
March 20, 2014
Rob Oliver, CEA chief executive
Rob Oliver, CEA chief executive
CEA (3418 Construction Equipment Association) chief executive Rob Oliver has described this week as a “good week for the [UK] Construction Industry” - after hearing Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne’s budget speech.

“Last year the CEA lobbied for special funding for road repairs – the £200 million (€238.66 million) ‘pothole’ fund is, therefore, helpful,” said Oliver.

He continued, “Of potentially more significance is the doubling of the annual investment allowance to £500,000 (€596,673) until the end of next year – which should tempt plant hire companies and contractors to bring forward their spending plans.

“There had been extensive lobbying on energy pricing, so the freeze on the carbon price floor and the renewables obligation compensation for energy intensive industries has to be good news for our members manufacturing in the UK. For too long, it seems that energy prices have been out of kilter with our overseas competitors.

“Continued and extended support for home ownership is also good news for those supplying kit to the housing market.”

Oliver said what “sounds good” is the news that UK Export Finance (often referred to as ECGD) will now have up to €9.54 billion (£8 billion) to guarantee finance for British manufacturers abroad and at better rates. He added, “The government has always been chary of breaching EU state aid rules on trade support, whilst competitors haven’t always been so nervous. The government now say that they will be offering finance packages that go to the legal limits – let’s see if this really kicks in as a further fillip to exporters.”

The CEA is the trade association that represents the UK construction equipment sector, recognised by the UK Government as the voice of the industry. The association as active members of the 2440 Committee for European Construction Equipment (CECE) and has a worldwide presence through its technical and international trade work and contacts with counterpart organisations.
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