Atkins is working on a major traffic project in the US

Atkins North America is now working on a key traffic project in the US to head the 2013 Congestion Management Program (CMP) and Multimodal Transportation Service Objective (MTSO) Monitoring Effort. This is an important project costing some $225,000. As part of the CMP, the Authority is responsible for monitoring the achievement of Level-of-Service (LOS) Standards and performance standards established under the programme. These measures will compare the 2011 monitoring results with those from previous monito
April 23, 2013
3005 Atkins North America is now working on a key traffic project in the US to head the 2013 Congestion Management Program (CMP) and Multimodal Transportation Service Objective (MTSO) Monitoring Effort. This is an important project costing some $225,000. As part of the CMP, the Authority is responsible for monitoring the achievement of Level-of-Service (LOS) Standards and performance standards established under the programme. These measures will compare the 2011 monitoring results with those from previous monitoring efforts, and will provide quantifiable results as to the performance of the local transportation system over time. The CMP monitoring sites include 78 local intersections and 11 freeway segments throughout Contra Costa. As part of the development of the 2013 Countywide Transportation Plan (CTP), the Action Plans for Routes of Regional Significance will be updated. In each of the Action Plans, Multimodal Transportation Services Objectives (MTSOs) are identified for all regional routes by the RTPCs. MTSOs may include such traditional measures as intersection and roadway LOS, but also includes such non-traditional vehicle measures as delay indices and side-street wait times, along with non-vehicle measures such as transit ridership. MTSOs identified in the 2009 Action Plan updates will be monitored in order to determine the performance of the system since the last monitoring period (2008). The MTSO monitoring effort includes 95 intersection, roadway and transit monitoring locations. In addition, newly proposed MTSOs resulting from the 2013 Action Plan updates will be part of the data collection effort, so that baseline data will be available for future comparisons.
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