Association challenges need for motorcycle inspections

The Federation of European Motorcycling Associations (FEMA) is challenging moves within Europe to make regular motorcycle safety inspections compulsory. The European Commission and Parliament are working on unified Road Worthiness Testing (RWT) that would affect all road users, including 40 powered millions two-wheelers. However this is in spite of the fact that every objective study carried out so far underlines such a measure would have next to no benefit for road safety. It also is continuing despite a q
February 28, 2013
The Federation of European Motorcycling Associations (2906 Fema) is challenging moves within Europe to make regular motorcycle safety inspections compulsory. The 2465 European Commission and Parliament are working on unified Road Worthiness Testing (RWT) that would affect all road users, including 40 powered millions two-wheelers. However this is in spite of the fact that every objective study carried out so far underlines such a measure would have next to no benefit for road safety. It also is continuing despite a quasi-unanimous rejection by the Council of Europe, despite the strong opposition, petitions and demonstrations of the riders. According to FEMA, this casts doubts on the motives of those in charge of the RWT programme. FEMA has challenged the links between the RWT programme and the safety data provided by a German firm, questioning whether the company has commercial interest in RWT being introduced. FEMA has also asked why other independent safety experts have not been requested to provide data on the safety implications of the RWT programme.
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