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ASECAP days 2023 in Istanbul

The ASECAP days 2023 event is being held in Istanbul.
By MJ Woof March 30, 2023 Read time: 2 mins
The ASECAP days 2023 event will be held in Istanbul, Turkey – image courtesy of © Alyssand |

The 2023 ASECAP DAYS even is being held from 18-20 September 2023 in the Hotel Fairmont Quasar in Istanbul. 

The 50th ASECAP Study & information days will focus on how to provide equal access to mobility services being a key point for social and economic developments. How can financing transport infrastructure help deliver on equity and efficiency? What good practices exist in this regard. What are the best ways to link funding to environmental and safety objectives as economic booster? What innovative financing tools will attract private funds to mobility infrastructure investments?

The dead line for submission of abstracts is 31st March 2023. The website is now online at 
Topics will also address network efficiency and innovation to prepare credible decarbonisation to reach the challenges set by the EU Green Deal, smart mobility strategy reinforced by the EU Climate Law and Fit for 55 in 2030 and UN Sustainable goals. The following topics will be discussed:

•    Equity and access to mobility solutions

•    Road Infrastructure Financing

•    Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM)

•    Road Safety

•    Decarbonisation of motorway infrastructure aligned with the Green Deal and FIT For 55

•    Protecting the environment - Sustainable transport solutions

•    Resilience of the infrastructure

•    Innovation in Toll collection

•    R&D road infrastructure projects

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