AEM pushes for US highway plan

According to the US-based Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), the extension of the country's highway and transportation legislation is a short-term measure.
February 20, 2012
According to the US-based 1100 Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), the extension of the country's highway and transportation legislation is a short-term measure. A full six year highway bill is a major requirement for boosting the US economy according to the AEM. AEM president Dennis Slater said, "With Congress passing yet another short-term extension of the Highway bill to keep the program running through September, it is critical that they now move to serious action on a comprehensive, long-term bill. America's urgent need to rebuild roads, highways and bridges requires a long-term strategy; we can't afford any more delays. Congress needs to show serious bipartisan leadership and action to address this critical national priority, so that a six-year bill can be enacted within this extension period. If the President wants manufacturers to put people to work jumpstart the economy, he will insist on a six-year Highway bill to build safer roads and bridges, and work with the Congress to find a way to get it done."
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