The IRF’s 17th World Meeting & Exhibition in Riyadh will set new standards

The 17th IRF World Meeting & Exhibition, to be held November 9-13, 2013 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is set to be an event that any industry professional can benefit from in numerous ways. The World Meeting’s strength lies in its solid foundation of eight components, each interlocking and with and building off of the others. Executive sessions will feature standard presentations by industry experts, followed by questions and answers in a panel format. The technical sessions, driven by the yearlong call for paper
May 29, 2013
The 17th 2462 IRF World Meeting & Exhibition, to be held November 9-13, 2013 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is set to be an event that any industry professional can benefit from in numerous ways. The World Meeting’s strength lies in its solid foundation of eight components, each interlocking with and building off of the others.

Executive sessions will feature standard presentations by industry experts, followed by questions and answers in a panel format. The technical/scientific sessions, driven by the year-long call for papers, will allow attendees to hear directly from researchers, professors and technical professionals at the forefront of innovation. Moderator-led, these roundtable sessions have short opening statements, followed by discussion and then a time for questions and answers.

One of the highlights of the World Meeting will be the interactive sessions. These interpersonal sessions are suitable for controversial topics and feature a town hall format, with active audience and moderator participation.

New at the 17th IRF World Meeting & Exhibition are sessions and activities developed especially for non-industry political leaders, a focus on global issues and challenges faced by the industry, and the presentation of the 2013 Global Road Achievement Awards.

Of key importance is the introduction of the Innovation Forum, an ideal venue for commercial presentations outside of the technical program. The latest and greatest industry ideas and technologies will be featured in this addition to the World Meeting program.

The International Road Federation is also very pleased to be offering daily matchmaking sessions, a forum for business-to-business, business-to-government, government-to-government, or academic and research to interact and connect with each other. The IRF will make pre-set appointment schedules and provide dedicated, business-friendly meeting space.

Everything being offered at the 17th IRF World Meeting & Exhibition is designed to make the industry stronger, better informed, increasingly motivated, and dedicated to making a better world through better roads.

More information: <%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000oLinkExternalwww.IRF2013.orgwww.IRF2013.orgfalse>



•    Eng. Abdullah A. Al-Mogbel, IRF chairman and mayor of Riyadh, describes Riyadh as a “modern, vibrant city with a welcoming and friendly population with a long tradition of extending a warm hospitality to all visitors.”

•    Violent crime in Riyadh is almost non-existent and the overall crime rate is a small fraction of the rates in most large cities and capitals throughout the world.

•    The city is divided into 15 municipal districts, managed by Riyadh Municipality headed by the mayor of Riyadh, the Riyadh Development Authority and chaired by the Governor of Riyadh Province.

•    Riyadh has the largest all-female university in the world, the Princess Nora bint Abdulrahman University. It is composed of 32 campuses across the Riyadh region and a new library capable of holding 4.5 million volumes.

•    Average daytime high for November is 29oC (83oF) and the average nighttime low is 14oC (58oF).
