IRF Washington announces key events programme

The Road Scholar Programme identifies promising international students currently enrolled in graduate programs at IRF Member Universities in the United States. The Road Scholar helps the IRF’s Educational Program (IREF) accomplish its mission to apply current transportation technology and management techniques to improve infrastructures around the world.
November 4, 2013
Executive Seminar Series: 3rd Safer Roads By Design: Across Six Continents
Road Scholar Programme
January 8–17
Washington, DC
The Road Scholar Programme identifies promising international students currently enrolled in graduate programs at IRF Member Universities in the United States. The Road Scholar helps the IRF’s Educational Program (IREF) accomplish ITS mission to apply current transportation technology and management techniques to improve infrastructures around the world.

Annual Meeting
January 13–16
Washington, DC
This year’s IRF Annual Meeting will be composed of various technical committee meetings, an 3918 IRF Washington Awards Luncheon and an IRF Fellows reunion. It is an opportunity for members and fellows to exchange information and network with each other while acknowledging some outstanding accomplishments by IRF members.

Executive Seminar Series: 3rd Safer Roads By Design: Across Six Continents
February 16–25
Orlando, Florida USA
The Safer Roads by Design Executive Seminar Series is one of the most comprehensive road safety training programmes in the world. Experts from a variety of countries will present best practices and state of the art technologies in Roadside Safety, Work Zone Safety, Vulnerable User Safety, and Road Safety Audits.

World Road Safety Forum
May 11–13
May 14–15: Training Sessions
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Sponsored and hosted by the Municipality of Abu Dhabi, this forum will feature the participation of international road safety experts actively involved in addressing the challenge set by the UN’s Decade of Action. The experts will discuss the latest initiatives within the local context, with a view to setting new policy and activity recommendations for Abu Dhabi and the UAE. The meeting will have a dual structure: sessions open to all delegates and break-out working sessions designed to develop outputs.

Low-Volume Road Engineering
March 24–27
Orlando, Florida USA
This Low-Volume Roads Engineering IRF training seminar will focus on design issues, road standards, and geographic considerations when it comes to building and maintaining low-volume roads, as well as stressing the importance of applying best practices and methods to reduce the environmental impacts of roads with the one of the main issues being proper design and drainage. The delegation will conduct a field TRIP to low-volume road sites with the help of the Florida DOT.
IRF Member: $1,575*
Non-Member: $1,975*

Executive Seminar Series: Roadside and Work Zone Safety During Brazil Road Expo 2014
April 9–11
Sao Paulo, Brazil
The training workshop will teach the attendees the proper steps needed to make a road safer by eliminating or removing roadside hazards with an in-depth look at worldwide technologies and standards. Elements of a properly designed work zone will also be addressed.

3rd Caribbean Regional Congress

May 5–9
Trinidad and Tobago
This congress will feature international experts focusing on the specific needs and solutions to the infrastructure, safety and mobility challenges of the Caribbean, including reducing the vulnerability of road users and mitigating the impacts of natural disasters. The event will feature executive and technical sessions, a commercial exhibition and IRF Certified Training Courses.
IRF Member: $750
Non-Member: $850

Executive Seminar Series:  Performance-based Maintenance
May 18–28
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This Executive Seminar will include a five-day programme of presentations and discussions covering Sustainable Maintenance Programs. Participants will engage in working groups with experts who are actively involved in maintenance contracting and preservation in different parts of the world to discuss the application of best practices under different national conditions. Upon conclusion of the five-day programme, two days of field trips will follow.
IRF Member: $5,900*
Non-Member: $6,500*

African Regional Congress
June 3–5 (tentative)
Location TBD
The Africa Regional Congress will focus on Asset Management and Road Safety. Top international and regional experts will offer their experience, insights and recommendations on solving and improving Africa’s transportation infrastructure through improved Asset Management Practices and implementation of sound road safety designs and applications.

Public-Private Partnerships Workshop August 13–15 Washington, DC
This workshop will examine and discuss the fiscal challenges transportation agencies face and how Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and other innovative financing solutions can be used to help overcome these challenges. The workshop will place a special emphasis on the experiences of successful ongoing PPP projects and the steps taken to ensure their sustainability.  
IRF Member: $775
Non-Member: $1075

4th Latin American Regional Congress September 2–5 Lima, Peru
Latin America has a rapidly expanding road infrastructure and this 4th Latin American Regional Congress will address the specific needs of the region by bringing together industry leaders, experts and decision-makers.

Executive Seminar Series:  Roadside and Work Zone Safety  October Indonesia and Vietnam
This IRF Executive Seminar Series, Roadside and Work Zone Safety, is a three-day programme addressing roadside, work zone and vulnerable users’ safety issues. The workshop will feature a round table discussion amongst top industry experts with the aim of exchanging experiences and best practices.

Executive Seminar Series:  Performance-based Maintenance October 19–29 Orlando, Florida USA
This Executive Seminar will include a five-day programme of presentations and discussions covering Sustainable Maintenance Programmes. Participants will engage in working groups with experts who are actively involved in maintenance contracting and preservation in different parts of the world to discuss the application of best practices under different national conditions. Upon conclusion of the five-day programme, two days of field trips will follow to local government agencies, a toll authority, contractor operations and other points of interest.
IRF Member: $5,900*
Non-Member: $6,500*

Executive Seminar Series:  Roadside and Work Zone Safety  December Mexico

This IRF Executive Seminar Series, Roadside and Work Zone Safety, is a programme addressing roadside, work zone and vulnerable users’ safety issues. The workshop will feature a round table discussion amongst top industry experts with the aim of exchanging experiences and best practices.

Executive Seminar Series:  Road Safety & ITS Held during TranspoQuip 2013 December

The IRF will offer a two-day road safety workshop and a one-day ITS workshop, all during TransQuipo 2014. Included among the ITS topics will be an introduction to integrated corridor management, tolling systems and connected vehicles technology/automation. Brazilian experts will join the team of international speakers to discuss Case studies and best practices from around the world and their applicability in Brazil.

*Includes hotel accommodations


The IRF continues ITS initiative to provide world-class training content through web-based media. Below is the 2014 Schedule of Webinars. Webinars are complementary for IRF members and can be viewed by non-members for US $129

Road Asset Management
January 29

Output & Performance-based Road Contracts
February 26

Emergency / Incident Management
March 26

Public-Private Partnerships

April 30

Sustainable Transport
May 28

Minimizing Fraud and Corruption
June 25

Highway Congestion Management
July 30

Asphalt Rubber
August 27

Bridge Maintenance and Inspection
September 24

Funding Eduction: The Impact of IRF’s Road Scholar Program
October 29

Vunerable Road User Safety
November 19

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